Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 4 - Rest Day

Good evening. As I type this to you, I am working on a deadline for another Clean run article. I really like writing these, but wow, I should have looked at my calender when I decided to do this one with a May 1 due date!

Today was a rest day for Shine and me and I have to say, it was quite hard taking this as a day off. He kept coming up and being all cuddly and cute. I know better, he was seeing if I would just do a few drills! Well, I am not a sucker for that today! So, he was disappointed and I got a lot of other stuff done. I went to the vet with Nigel for his follow up visit on his Lyme's and got some rather bad news, his blood work looked weird and they are doing a battery of test to see what is going on. Say a little prayer for him, he just does not feel back to normal and we need to know why.

So, another distraction, but, as Lele said, I am at my best when my back is against the wall. So, a good performance will be in order in MN! Tomorrow is foundations and box work. May be a few 270's. Then packing and list making and checking off. Good night from Canton!

A quick post/update

Sorry I have been off line, many things to do and really tired at the end of the day.

The trial this past weekend really showed me that if you hold on to tight, you loose your edge. 0 for 4 will really get your attention! Also, pratice will either build you up or brake you down. I let it do the latter, so yesterday was a re-focus day and back to basics. That always seems to get me and my clients back in the groove. I have to say it worked! Woke up in much better spirits and ready for the day.

Off today, a little tomorrow and then off to MN!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Day 13 - Sheltie Nationals

Sorry about yesterday, got very busy, teaching, yardwork, training with Shine, etc. So, Shine and I were up early and headed south after a few espressos, me not Shine! Perry is my favorite location for a show and I have always had great success there and this time I felt that it would be no different! So, standard was first and Nancy Davis gave us a great course, with a very technical ending which I was very pleased to see, as I need that kind of work for WTT09. So, I watched several dogs run and knew that we would have no issues with the discrimination. It was a u-shaped tunnel and chute next to each other, so the dog saw the correct end of the tunnel and the chute entry at the same time on their approach. The dog should have been on the correct lead and path if you shorted up the exit of the teeter and started turning at the jump previous to the tunnel. Well after a great start, Shine decided to get super sticky on the contacts(note to self, don't train early releases for a dog that already knows his job! They just don't see the difference, then confusion) but the run was great and fast and we ended up taking 4th. Not bad for 6 seconds wasted on the contacts!

JWW was next and Carla B. had a wopper of a course for us. After a normal start with a pinwheel to a set of weaves, we then went into the work! As Jean L. said it was a lot of work! The short sweet version was there were 5 side switches with in the last 9 jumps! Yikes! So, after watching some great runs and making some final decisions I went to the line ready to run. One note, I was very nervous! Wow, have felt that way in years! I guess the pressure of the 2Q and the feel of a National was enough to push me to that point. Well, I am happy to report that I pulled it our with only one WIDE turn and several wide turns with a 2nd place and some serious confidence for WTT09. Also got some great feed back on training and handling needs for the next week and also know my analysis is right on. Need to really work on my Mental Management, back to Lanny and some serious DA self talk review. Well that is all for now, I really need some rest! TTYL

Friday, April 17, 2009

Day 15 - Serious Training!

Finally after several weeks of delays, sick humans, sick dogs and endless travel, I got down to business today with some serious work for me and for Shine. Also, I did some number crunching and figured out I can fly to WTT09 cheeper, much, than dirving the RV! So, I spent the majority of the day booking travel stuff! I forgot how much stuff you have to do! Flight, Hotel, Rental car, parking, luggage, pet reservation, etc!

Training consisted of 2 major parts today, first road work for me that included a walking warmup, then easy sprints, then some ladder drills and finshed with some all out 40 yard sprints. After that a walk down then on to agility work. I set up several sequences that are based on the judges tendencies that will be at FCI Worlds this year. After setting up the sequences, I walked a few times and then set Shine up for the first pass. Well, not to bore you with the details, let's just say it was an eye opening experience to see how it easy it is to do something from a standstill and how hard it is to be done at full speed. After several attempts, we did work it out, but I continue to work on this tomorrow in the AM as I want to own this set before I move on. I have found that it is very important to not just know what will happen in a sequence, but to be so comfortable that your confidence is unmatched. Kind of like a start line stay. If I know it will always hold up under pressure and testing, then I have a comfort level that borders on the cocky! So, my focus for each of these sequences or courses is to "own" them before I move on. No regrets, no wondering what will have when you see it on a course. My wisdom for the night! :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Day 18 No Rest for the Weary

I hate to say it, but as the title states above, today was more of the same for me and our household. Zoom was admitted to the Vet today with extreme dehydration and still suffering from bouts of vomiting. So, off I went to the Vet in ATL for blood work, IV's and eventually leaving him there. Well, due to this and travel time, I did not get to work my scheduled session with Shine. It was just to be contacts and weaves, but still I feel quite guilty. I will make it up tomorrow, God will and the creek don't rise! I will be traveling to BHM tomorrow due to my duties of teaching and I need to finish piecing my info together for my WTT09 application. Still need to get several things from the Safe and get Shine vaccinated for Rabies. After that it will be back to ATL for more lessons and practice, hopefully, for me. TTYT.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Day 19 - Rest Day???

Good evening! Today was to be a rest day for both Shine and myself, as we just finished the 4 day show at Perry Georgia. I alwasy make sure to take a full day off from all activity after we have had a show weekend. Need to rest, reflect and reload.

Well the rest day was mostly working on my WTT09 entry and washing clothes! Not to bad for a rest day, until the end of the afternoon. Zoom is back to not feeling well and needed to be given fluids. So, off we were to get fluids and try to make our little guy feel better. After that, back to the house and setting up for a vet visit tomorrow for some test and hopefully a diagnosis. I hate it when they are felling bad, makes everything feel yucky!

I did enjoy putting in all of my runs from the last year, very educational. I learned a lot about how we have progressed as a team and just how far we have come! Feel like we are right on target for peaking at tryouts. I also spent some time this past weekend working on my last three weeks worth of training, handling and Performance Management work. Now to start the final push. TTYL

Friday, April 10, 2009

Day 22 - Great Start - No so great finish

Well, today was a day of contrasts. We started late due to the running order was big to little and so we go to do a little bit of a lie in. So, after a much needed rest, we arrived at the site to see another wonderful JWW course and we were ready to roll! I have to say, after yesterdays wonderful runs I was a bit nervous that I could not keep up the wonderful feeling of confort we have been working under for this past month. Thank goodness it was here again and JWW went with out a hitch! Wonderful run, 1st place, super time, and a great YPS to boot! Can't ask for much more!

So, we now were waiting for STD and the course looked great, fast with some great technical stuff and challenging options! While the 16 inch class was running, we took advantage of our favoriate massage therapist being at the show to work on Shine and Zoom. Well, Shine went first and had a great rub and was ready to roll! I left to put him up and to talk to a client while I was waiting on Zoom. The 16's finished and I went to my walk thru and no Leslie?? After a quick search, she had gone back to the RV and taken Z as he was sick and getting worse. So, we pulled Zoom and I moved to the beginning of the height to run quickly and get over to help Lele. Well, my heart was in the right place, but my focus was not. and I sent Shine off course due to I started to work a turn and it took my focus off of the cross I was to do next and wham! Just goes to show you that you can't let down for a second! I did learn that if I focus too much on what is happening in the moment and not letting it flow, I will make some serious errors. Great lesson and it came non too soon. As for Zoom, he is recovering and we still do not know what is wrong, possibaly a bad batch of food?? Claibre and Kickit are both sick too, but we have gotten it under control before it went too long.

Tomorrow is another day and I am going to 2 Q! TTYL

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Day 23 yea finally got it right :)

Well, today was quite an eye opener. We had a great course for JWW to start the day and it was just right to we the tone for the trial. A little on the technical side with a lot if yardage and a lot of speed! After it was all said and done, Shine is the fastest time of the day! That is all heights, clean or not! I am so proud of my boy! His YPS was 6.5, which is a new personal best. STD was just as good for Shine, but I was a bit off due to I had decided to hold contacts and my timing in the final sequence was off and I pulled him off of the chute. It was great to be back in the sddke again. On to tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Day 26 Another travel day!

Well true belivers, believe it or not I was. On the road again today and landed in Perry GA. This show is the 5th largest show in the country in total entries and this year is no exception. With agility, breed, obedience, hearding, flyball and other dog sports, this is a huge event. There will be some great competition here and I look foward to testing our skills out. It's late and I am headed to bed. TTYL

Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 26 - another travel day

Monday is here again and I am on the road again going from ATL to BHM. This is getting really old. On top of this, the temps have dropped and it feels like January. So, is that enough whining? ;)

Did not work Shine today, but did start planning my trip to MN. Logistics are pretty straight toward, but still have to plan the details. Also did some goal setting for the Perry GA trial, as it is my last time to get a good test of our team skills and what needs to be polished. Plan is to work contacts and weaves tomorrow, then off to the show!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 26- Rest Day

Good evening. This day was a rest day for Shine as he was really tired from yesterday's workouts. Had to wake him up from a nap just to go outside! For me of was a travel day to ATL and then yard work and lessons.

The advanced class is looking great and my Airdale puppy is progressing quite nicely!

As far as WTT09, I started my list of stuff to do to get ready for the actual trip. This year I am actually going to drive the RV up to MM, as I will have all the pups due to a work issue with Lele. So, planning an 18 hour trip is quite the exersise in trying not to forget anything and making sure to have plenty of books on iPod.

Tomorrow is contact day, if it does not snow!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day 27 - NAC Courses

What a great day. Shine was in top form, I was feeling at ease and running like someone was chasing me! Felt great! My weight is already down and my timing was right on. Not bad for not training for a week!

We ran the STD from Saturday and the JWW. Both courses were great and I beat Shine to the end of both finishes! Then we ran the Finals course. Very cool course. Beat him to that finish too! I loved all of these courses and felt very focused and in the zone!

The clinic folks were great letting me run Shine! Thanks. TTYL

Friday, April 3, 2009

Day 28 - Where have you been!?

Good evening! Sorry for the fade to black. I have been very busy doing everything else but working on WTT09 and training. But that all will change tomorrow! I am hosting a clinic at my location in BHM that will analyze and formulate the best path for our teams to run 3 of the courses from the AKC NAC this past weekend. I too will be running! Just to tempting not to work Shine. Sorry for the short post. I promise to update tomorrow on our progress and how everyone does!